This is the reason I live....

What Izzy...
Were both Superheroes, Did you know that?
If I need help then you help me and if you need help I help you....Thats responsibility.
God I love you Izzy.
I love you too Daddy.
While going through some random files I found this on the hard drive. This piece was written just before Christmas two years ago and I thought I would post this. As of late I have been replaying the bitterness of the past repeatedly in my mind. This is really a reminder to myself that the past has really had its precious moments (Which I have known and been thankful for all along). I think what was malignant has removed itself and now in all of its bittersweet light the past is restructuring itself into a perspective that builds the foundation of my life. With that said here are the scraps of life spent in the name of love and in my movie IZZY is the star.
Unrest in pretend-land and the mystery of God and Poop.
The house is quiet as no one else is up yet, The coffee is still brewing and I have no idea how I feel yet, Which is not usually a good sign. Yesterday was a good day,Watching Izzy on Christmas morning open all of her presents was a joy.The magic of being three years old bathed the room. I wish the magic of three could last longer but I have vowed to enjoy every moment I possibly can and many moments have become locked away in a precious place within. I think a couple of insightful stories follow here.
While doing last minute shopping, Foolish as we were, The night before Christmas eve, Izzy was strapped into her car seat and thinking about a nap.
I overheard her talking to her imaginary friends (Normally these friends are Jip and Lip) and I listened closely as I often do. Katie and I both heard her say,"I am gonna pretend kick your ass". I'm not sure what was going on in pretend-land but it was nothing short of hysterical to overhear.
While I am on the subject of Izzy stories I think this one may not translate as well but I feel like commiting to record anyway is the poop conversation of a couple of days ago. After waking up Izzy had a diaperful so as always we set out to immeadiatly get more clean and comfortable. I suppose the back story here to put this in perspective is in a nutshell, When Mommy finds something difficult to explain she relies on the stock "God" explanation which can be handy for explaining where babies come from and a myriad of other tough issues to broach. What is amusing about this is really most people would find a Goth mom amusing enough but one whom talks of "God" something/anything that is somewhat surreal.
At any rate I will do my best to convey the conversation between Izzy and In an accurate light.
"Daddy, Why is my butt cold after I poop"?
"Well Honey I suppose thats because all of the hot air escapes when you poop". She thought about that for a brief second (She is ratherquick to detect my bullshit answers).
"Noooooo" she replied,"Your teasin'.
"Well baby I really don't know why your butt is cold after you poop."
Thinking that would be that, I finished up the task and walked off to the trash to dispose of the diaper. Izzy looks up at me in the kitchen and with all seriousness said "Daddy"?
"Yes baby"
"I guess thats just the way "God" made poop".
The look on her face was beautiful, That childs way of feeling they have reasoned out a mystery (Of which life is full of at three) and the look of dead on seriousness. I didn't want to laugh in front of her although the idea struck me as incredibly funny. In a sense though I suppose that can be such an allegory for so many things....To quote someone much smarter than I, "Thats just the way "God " made poop".
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